Issue 615 Archives - Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To America's Leading Woodworking Authority Mon, 17 Feb 2020 16:02:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Simulating Segmentation with the Scroll Saw Fri, 07 Feb 2020 16:00:24 +0000 Creating the look of segmentation is easier than you think.

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In searching for new possibilities for scrolled bowls, I discovered two different ways to simulate the types of segmentation associated with lathe-turned bowls.

Examples of scroll sawn bowl cuts
The bowls on the left made good use of the remainder of the laminations that were created for the bowl on the right.

Both methods are easy to learn and far less demanding than traditional approaches. The first produces segmented bowls with solid sides; the second creates open segmentation.

Segmentation with Solid Sides

Drawn out scroll saw bowl segment pattern
This pattern created a bowl with segments of equal size.

My method for creating this type of bowl eliminates the need to cut many small pieces at precise angles. Instead, it relies on stack cutting, a standard scroll saw technique, to create the blank.

Scroll sawing bowl bottom pattern
The pattern number of each pair was transferred to both pieces when they were separated to ensure they would be glued in the correct order.

The basics are simple: two contrasting blanks, typically between 1/4″ and 1/2″ thick, are attached with double-sided tape. A pattern, consisting of a circle divided into a designated number of segments, is attached; the circumference and segments are then cut to shape.

Scroll sawn bowl with uneven segments
After the blank was completed, the small void in the center was drilled out and replaced with a decorative plug.

Once cut and numbered, alternate segments from each set are exchanged to form two multi-colored circles. Because all pieces are stack cut, deviations in any piece are compensated for by complementary deviations in the adjacent pieces.

Uneven bowl segment pattern
This pattern created a bowl with segments of unequal size.

The segments are glued at their edges to form two circles and sanded lightly once the glue has set. They are then glued together to form the blank.

Holding bowl segments together in a bowl press
Before glue-up, the blanks are rotated to determine the most attractive lamination pattern. The blanks are marked so that their orientation can be maintained, then glued together in a bowl press.

The blank can then be cut in the same way as any scrolled bowl, or rings cut from it can be used as decorative elements in a multi-blank project.

Open Segmentation

Segmented bowl blank pieces layout
Extra wedges are usually cut so the best matches can be selected, then ordered, for the most attractive appearance at the outer edge.

It was challenging to design a blank that would look like open segmentation when cut into rings, but the solution turned out to be quite simple. The blank is constructed from wedges cut from a circle, then glued evenly around a thin substrate.

Cutting segmented bowl rim with scroll saw
The rings are cut from the substrate side, which creates an attractive top rim. Although possible to cut from the wedge side, it’s far easier to do so from a stable surface than from a discontinuous one.

A pattern is attached to the substrate side and the rings are cut at predetermined angles. The cutting process creates rings with a regular pattern of slices and spaces.

Sanding bowl segments with a small sanding block
The segments are sanded after cutting, when it’s easiest to remove “fuzzies” from their sides and any glue that was not removed when they were glued into place.

Depending on size and purpose, the bowl can be cut so that the wall thickness remains uniform throughout, or cut so that the wall thickness increases slightly with each successive ring.

Scroll sawn bowl segments stacked together
When the cut rings are stacked and glued, the bowl looks like a lathe-turned open segmented vessel.

Walls of even thickness are ideal for smaller bowls, especially those that are primarily decorative, while those with increasing wall thickness have a greater gluing surface — a consideration for larger bowls or those intended for regular use.

Oval scroll sawn bowl segment pattern
To make evenly sized segments for an oval bowl, the pattern must take the circumference of the oval into account, as well as the number of wedges needed. Since only a few slices are cut from each wedge, the difference in segment length doesn’t matter.

Sanding of an open segmented bowl is standard, with two notable exceptions. First, care must be taken to avoid catching the sander on the edges of the segments; the slits at the bottom of the round inflatable sander are especially vulnerable. For this reason, I use the smaller of the two inflatable sanders: the openings in their abrasives resist snagging better.

Sanding scroll sawn bowl interior with small inflatable sander
The openings at the bottom of the small round inflatable sander are more resistant to snagging than those of the larger version, making it the ideal tool for sanding the inside of open segmented bowls.

Second, the center section of the blank, usually used as the base, has wedges on its underside. These must be sanded off for the piece to be used. If this is not feasible, cut a new base from the same wood as the substrate.

Variations to Explore

This versatile method for open segmentation can be used for rounded square and wavy bowls as easily as for round ones. With a slight pattern adaptation, it can even be used to make oval bowls whose segments remain evenly sized all around the circumference.

Once you’ve mastered the process for making a basic scrolled bowl, it’s an easy transition to variations that no one will believe were made with a scroll saw.

The post Simulating Segmentation with the Scroll Saw appeared first on Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To.

Tool Tutorial: Power Jointers Fri, 31 Jan 2020 20:33:42 +0000 Straight, flat and squared stock won't guarantee a perfect outcome, but it's an excellent place to start any project. A trusty mid-size jointer can help get you there.

The post Tool Tutorial: Power Jointers appeared first on Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To.

Centuries ago, our woodworking forebears spent a great deal of time with hand planes such as the #8 jointer in order to take the twist, cup, bow and crook out of their lumber. Hand planes ensured that boards could be made flat, straight, square and smooth, and doing that work by hand was the only real option they had. Those capabilities haven’t changed, of course, and these days you can still prepare lumber this way. A good deal of practice with a collection of hand planes will yield excellent results.

Chris Marshall demonstrating a RIKON jointer

But, if you want to produce flat faces, edges and square reference surfaces in a fraction of the time, a power jointer will get the job done with minimal skill and effort. For most of us, it’s the more practical approach for processing rough lumber. And I’ll bet that if our predecessors had had the option to use a jointer, many of them would have been happy to trade their hand planes for a powered alternative. Here’s a quick study on this most beneficial machine.

What It Can and Can’t Do

A jointer is designed to flatten and square; those are its primary tasks. Preparing rough stock typically involves jointing a reference face first, then flattening an adjacent edge. A jointer is not an accurate thicknessing machine — that’s a planer’s job — nor will it keep two faces or edges parallel to one another. It’s possible to cut rabbets, tapers and chamfers on a jointer too, but generally, other tools are better choices. So, a jointer’s vitae of skills is actually rather short. But what it does well is crucial to woodworking.

How a Jointer Works

Running board across jointer cutterheads
FLATTENING FACES: Boards are fed over the cutterhead from the infeed side to the outfeed side in repetitive passes. The length of its cutterhead establishes how wide a piece of lumber the jointer can accommodate.

If you flip a hand plane upside down and face its knob to the right, you’re on your way to understanding how a jointer works. Its iron frame is made up of three big components: a center base casting and two movable tables. The infeed table on the right (on a hand plane, the portion of the sole ahead of the blade) supports workpieces as they’re fed into the machine’s rotating cutterhead, and the outfeed table on the left (the rest of the hand plane’s sole behind the blade) keeps stock stabilized and on track as it exits the cutterhead.

Flattening edge of board on jointer cutterhead
FLATTENING FACES: Boards are fed over the cutterhead from the infeed side to the outfeed side in repetitive passes. The length of its cutterhead establishes how wide a piece of lumber the jointer can accommodate.

There’s a dynamic relationship between the infeed and outfeed tables and the cylinder- shaped cutterhead. When a jointer is properly tuned up, the surface of its outfeed table is precisely flush with the jointer’s knives or cutting inserts at their highest point of rotation (called top dead center — TDC). That way, boards leaving the cutterhead continue to be supported at the same elevation as they were milled, ensuring flatness. The infeed table, on the other hand, must be adjusted lower than the cutterhead’s TDC in order for surfacing to occur. This depth-of-cut can be set from just thousandths of an inch to 1/8″ or more, depending on how much stock you want to remove with each pass.

Regardless of depth of cut, it’s critical that both the infeed and outfeed tables are parallel to one another across their width and along their length. If they aren’t co-planer, the machine can’t render board surfaces flat.

Checking squareness of board after being cut on jointer
If the reference face is flat, the edge will also be squared to that face. Then, the board can be accurately ripped to final width so its second edge becomes parallel to the joined edge.

A jointer’s cast-iron fence, located beside the tables, can be adjusted laterally across them for working with narrow stock or to expose only a portion of the cutterhead. It also can be tilted off of square for joining angled edges. However, the fence is typically kept at 90° so the machine can do its main task of squaring faces to edges.

Cutting rabbets on panel edge with jointer
A jointer’s outfeed table has a stepped edge to accommodate rabbeting operations. You can change the proportions of a rabbet, depending on the fence’s position and the machine’s depth of cut.

Located beneath its spring-loaded, pivoting guard, a jointer’s cutterhead spins at around 5,000 to 6,000 rpm to help deliver smooth cuts and minimal tearout on any wood grain. One or two drive belts deliver power from the machine’s motor, hiding inside the closed stand. Stationary jointers employ quiet, long-lasting induction motors. Benchtop models have noisier universal motors, similar to corded circular saws and routers.

Close-up of jointer motor and drive belt
Stationary jointers have induction motors inside the stand that drive the cutterhead. A long belt or two transfers power up from below.

As surfaces are flattened, accumulating debris falls down a ramp inside the stand and out through a 4″ dust port. Jointers create a mountain of wood chips and dust in no time — second only to a thickness planer or lathe. So, for shop cleanliness and cleaner air, they need to be connected to a dust collector with as short a run of hose or ductwork as possible.

If you’re lucky enough to have a spacious wood shop, your jointer might be able to stay in one place all the time. But when it has to be moved — and sooner or later that time will come — you’ll appreciate having casters underneath to help roll its hundreds of pounds around. Some machines come with casters built into the stand. Or, you can add an aftermarket mobile base to any jointer.

Cutterhead Options

JET straight cutterhead knives on jointer
A hybridized version of straight knives, this quick-setting feature from JET provides cam adjusters to help align the cutterhead’s three double-edged knives more easily than conventional knife styles.

Up until the early 2000s, the cutterheads on all but industrial-size jointers had the same basic design: three or four single-edged, straight-bladed steel knives that sat in pockets in the cutterhead. You can still find these cutterheads today on some jointers. As long as those knives are sharp, the design works fine. But, as soon as the knives nick or dull, the task of servicing them becomes difficult. That’s because reinstalling and setting fresh knives can require the patience of Job and the precision of a Swiss watch maker. Each knife must be set square to the jointer tables from end to end and at precisely the same height as one another. Combinations of springs, recessed set screws and gib bars with multiple screws holding the knives in place only compound the problem of installation. Unless you do it often, setting traditional jointer knives is a big hassle.

Jointer cutterhead maintenance and performance took a quantum leap forward when manufacturers began to offer helical (also often called spiral) cutterheads with replaceable inserts as options. Unlike a straightknife head, spiral heads are equipped with rows of carbide inserts that have four sharp edges. Pockets in the cutterhead automatically set them to correct TDC, and a single star-drive screw holds each insert in place. When an insert nicks or dulls, it has three more sharp edges that can be accessed as easily as loosening the screw and rotating the carbide. Inserts are also cheap to replace.

Helical carbide insert cutterhead in jointer
Helical cutterheads with four-edged, automatically indexing carbide inserts stay sharp longer than steel knives and are simple to maintain. Their shearing cutting geometry also helps tame tearout on difficult wood grain.

Each row of cutters presents itself at a bias to the wood, instead of straight across, to create a shearing action that cuts figured and interlocked grain more cleanly. While purchasing a helical-equipped jointer will cost hundreds of dollars or more than a conventional straight-knife model, it’s an investment you’ll appreciate — both for maintenance and when you’re jointing figured or difficult-grain stock. It’s an improvement that surely will make straight-knife cutterheads obsolete on new jointers at some point, probably sooner than later.

Machine Sizes, Styles

Benchtop RIKON jointer
Economically priced benchtop jointers can satisfy space-starved shops and still offer as much as 6″ of width capacity. Their tables are quite short, however, which can compromise accuracy when flattening longer stock.

If you’re in the market for a jointer, its cutterhead style is one important consideration. Another decision you face is its maximum width of cut. Jointers are manufactured with 6″, 8″, 10″, 12″ and even 16″ cutterhead lengths. The size determines how wide a board face you can join in a single pass. Obviously, longer cutterheads offer more capacity and can prevent you from needing to rip wide stock narrower in order to flatten it. As cutterhead lengths go up, so does the overall table length of the machine, to a point. So, while a 6″ jointer might offer a 50+”-long table, an 8″ model usually provides several more feet of table length. Longer tables are a big advantage when you need to flatten longer stock.

The counterpoint here, not surprisingly, is cost. As machine sizes increase, their price tags spike upward, too. For instance, an 8″ helical-head jointer may cost around $1,500, but a 12″ machine with the same cutterhead style can set you back $4,000. With those numbers in mind, occasional ripping and re-gluing may be a fair trade-off to buying a more-than-you-really-need jointer. A good compromise between capacity and cost is the 8″ size. I’ve used one for 15 years and have rarely needed more.

Jointer outfeed table and base
The infeed and outfeed tables of wedgebed jointers slide up and down on sloped, dovetailed ways in the machine’s center base casting. The tables are supported along their inner edges only.

Jointers are also manufactured in two table styles: wedgebed and parallelogram. Wedgebed jointers have tables that slide up and down on sloped dovetailed ways in the casting. If the machine’s center casting looks somewhat like a triangle, the jointer is a wedgebed. Its infeed and outfeed tables are mounted and held in place along their inner edges only.

Adjustable jointer infeed and outfeed table
Parallelogram jointers have two pivoting arms (not shown) beneath the infeed and outfeed tables to support and move them up and down. Some experts contend that this style holds its settings better than a wedgebed.

By contrast, the tables on a parallelogram jointer raise and lower on pivoting braces in the center casting. Each table is equipped with two braces along its length. Some experts suggest that parallelogram jointers are better able to maintain a co-planar table relationship, thanks to the added support these braces provide. But, wedgebed jointers that are used carefully and set up properly have served woodworkers well for as long as jointers have been made. Generally, they’re also more affordable. Regardless of design, if you buy your jointer from a reputable manufacturer, either style should serve you well.

Setting Up a Jointer

Measuring jointer outfeed table against cutterhead
A jointer’s outfeed table must be set and locked to the cutterhead’s top dead center of rotation. Check it by placing a rule on the outfeed table and over the cutterhead.

Aside from cranking down the infeed table to establish your desired depth of cut, there are only a couple of adjustments you might need to make to ready the machine for use. For one, it’s imperative that a jointer’s outfeed table is flush with the cutterhead’s TDC. To check, hold a straightedge against the outfeed table so it extends over the cutterhead. With the machine unplugged, rotate the cutterhead; the knives or inserts should just “kiss” the straightedge, touching but not lifting it. Adjust the outfeed table up or down slightly to dial it in as needed. Once TDC is established, you shouldn’t have to check it again unless you move the machine, bump the outfeed table significantly or drop something heavy on it.

For edge-jointing and squaring, you’ll also want to adjust the fence so it’s perpendicular to the tables. Do this by holding an accurate combination or engineer’s square against the fence and table, just past the cutterhead on the outfeed side. Adjust the fence so there’s no gap between the square’s blade and the fence face, and tighten the table setting.

Measuring squareness of jointer outfeed table against fence
Unless a jointer’s fence is perpendicular to its tables, it can’t square the edge of a workpiece to an adjacent face. Inspect this setting routinely with a reliable square.

The fence also needs to be moved laterally so it will expose enough of the cutterhead to join the stock width at hand. I leave my jointer’s fence cranked as far back as it will go most of the time; this way, I’m always ready to use the machine on wide material. Be sure to check for fence squareness again every time you move the fence in or out — any “play” in its mechanism can throw the fence out of squareness with the table again.

What about the “correct” depth of cut? To some degree, that’s a matter of personal preference. The deeper you set the infeed table, the more stock the machine will remove. On roughsawn lumber, a 1/16″ depth of cut will quickly skim off the oxidized, rough outer layer of the wood. It will rectify lumber defects such as cupping or bowing with fewer passes, too. But, deep cuts can also lead to more tearout on interlocked or figured grain. So, you may need to experiment with a cutting depth that best suits the particular stock you’re joining.

Adjusting cut depth on jointer infeed table
While an infeed table can be lowered to about 1/2″, don’t exceed a 1/8″ depth of cut for ordinary face- and edge-joining operations.

Generally, I leave my jointer set for about 1/32″-deep passes, regardless of the condition of the material or the species I’m surfacing. It requires me to make more passes to get stock flat, but the tearout is minuscule, provided I’m feeding the wood “with” the grain direction and not against it. Whatever you decide, however, never exceed a 1/8″ cutting depth for ordinary flattening and squaring operations — it increases the risk of kickback and torn-out grain.

Play It Smart: NEVER Do Either of These Things!

Cutting board endgrain on jointer

Jointers are the wrong tools for machining end grain. Severe tearout on the back corner is almost inevitable, and the cutterhead could grab and propel the wood backwards. Don’t do it.

Cutting thin wood stock on jointer

Likewise, never put your hands at risk by joining stock thinner than 1/2″, narrower than 3″ or shorter than 12″.

Body Language

Cutting face of board on jointer using pushpads
Both hands play a role in maneuvering stock over a jointer. For face-joining operations such as this, use pushpads — not your fingers.

Using a jointer is a bit like learning a dance step, and it takes some practice. Whether you’re jointing faces or edges, you’ll stand beside the machine on the infeed side and feed stock into the cutterhead with it firmly held against both the infeed table and the fence. Your left hand guides the workpiece from above, while your right hand feeds it forward from behind.

Once the stock begins to pass through the cutterhead, it’s safe and appropriate to move your left hand to the outfeed table to continue guiding it along. That might mean taking a step or two forward, alongside the machine, which is why it’s important to orient yourself so you can move with the wood, if needed. This is particularly important when joining long or heavy lumber.

Above all, maintain your balance and sure-footedness. Feed the material across the machine in a fluid, continuous motion to help ensure that faces and edges will be milled flat and smooth.

Then, there’s the matter of safety — the cutterhead won’t know the difference between wood or your fingers. Be sure the machine’s casters are locked so it can’t accidentally move during use. Roll up long sleeves and use push sticks or push pads for face jointing instead of your hands. NEVER operate a jointer for flattening faces or edges without the guard in place and functioning correctly. A jointer is a fantastic shop asset. Use it wisely.

The post Tool Tutorial: Power Jointers appeared first on Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To.
